ADF Update: Josh Yale

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ADF Update: Josh Yale


This past month has been one full of training, racing and travel. Earlier this month I attended the 470 Junior World Championships in Slovenia. The wind was very light and shifty and clean starts were a must – something we have been working to improve.  While the results were not what we had hoped, we gained some great experience and learned some invaluable lessons.


Following Junior Worlds we returned home to Toronto for a week and worked with former 470 Olympian Graeme Saunders (Rio 2016). We focussed on everything from accelerations in light winds to pumping downwind in heavy winds, with a strong emphasis on our experience from Slovenia. 


We are now in Enoshima, Japan, training for the 470 World Championships at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic venue. Our training thus far has once again been in predominantly lighter winds. That said, they are forecasting a typhoon in the coming days, so I anticipate a forced break from training and the need to tie the boat down very well!


I am exceptionally excited and proud to represent both RCYC and Canada at my first Olympic Class World Championships. I would like to thank RCYC members and the ADF for supporting me on my campaign for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Through your kind generosity I will be able to extend my stay in Japan and maximize this incredible opportunity for high level training and competition. Arigatou!

– Josh Yale



Posted: 8/1/2019 9:46:45 AM by Josh Yale | with 0 comments

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With over 90% of Club Members contributing to the Athlete Development Fund (ADF), we're setting the stage for further improvements as our Club is represented at all levels of competition! Thank you, on behalf of all RCYC athletes, for your continued support.

Here, our ADF Athletes will share the short articles on racing, training and their development goals.

To learn more about RCYC's Athlete Development Fund, please visit:
Fall 2019 Updates
ADF Update: Carling Davies
ADF Update: Mattais Koechli
ADF Update: Olivia Mew
ADF Update: Colin Davies